Employers and employees, find here all the useful information concerning posting in France.
Employers and employees, find here all the useful information concerning posting in France.
Posting can be carried out :
This situation gives rise to specific formalities vis-a-vis its relationship with the Fund.
For more information on, cf. Foreign company posting staff to France.
At the same time, it must pay the corresponding contribution to the fund.
Just like French companies, foreign companies will have to pay legally and statutorily mandatory contributions, i.e., contributions for paid leave, seasonal and weather-related employment and the OPPBTP [French Organisation for Prevention of Occupational Hazards in the Construction Industry].
The rates applicable to foreign companies are exactly the same as those applicable to French companies.
Other contributions that the funds collect (Professional Federations, APAS, etc.), which are mostly optional, are not payable, as a foreign company is not intended to benefit from the resulting services given its temporary operations in France.
Yes, the French Labour Code expressly provides that :
Consequently, any company not established in France and comes to the country to perform a contract must, in principle from the first day of posting of its employees in France, affiliate and register its posted staff to the CNETP. It will therefore be required to pay the fund contributions for paid leave, seasonal and weather-related employment and the OPPBTP [French Organisation for Prevention of Occupational Hazards in the Construction Industry] for the entire period of posting.
In return, posted employees will be able to claim the benefits corresponding to each of these contributions.
YES, are 2 exceptions, provided for by the French Labour Code (Art. D.3141-26 and D.3141-27):
To this end, CIBTP France (Réseau des Caisses de congés payés) [Paid Leave Funds Network] has signed agreements with various European paid leave funds to organise exemption rules vis-a-vis French funds if a foreign company can certify that it declares employees temporarily posted to France to a national paid leave fund and that it will continue to contribute to it for the entire duration of the posting.
3 agreements were signed with :
This will depend in particular on whether the foreign company is located within the European Union or outside it and whether posted employees are affiliated with French social security or not.
As In principle, European regulations for the coordination of social security systems allow workers from an EU Member State posted to another Member State to remain affiliated to their social security system of origin.
The rules for determining the relevant paid leave fund are as follows :
Foreign company in the EU / EEA * | Foreign company outside the EU / EEA * | ||
Application of the European regulation for the coordination of social security systems | Bilateral social security agreement | No bilateral social security agreement | |
If posted employee continued with social security of origin (possible for 24 months, with exceptions) | If posted employee affiliated to French social security (Urssaf Bas-Rhin one-stop centre) | The employee remains affiliated to social security of origin | The employee is affiliated to French SS (Urssaf Bas-Rhin one-stop centre) |
The competent fund is the CNETP if the project concerned is a public works project | The competent fund is the CI-BTP one-stop centre, i.e., the CIBTP Ile-de-France fund, regardless of the project’s location | The competent fund is the CNETP if the project concerned is a public works project | The competent fund is the CI-BTP one-stop centre, i.e., the CIBTP Ile-de-France fund,regardless of the project’s location |
For the purposes of simplifying management and in order not to complicate the procedure for affiliation of foreign companies the funds, a foreign company may maintain the first fund of affiliation for its future postings, even if it is required to operate within projects whose activity does not come under the aforementioned fund.
In practice, a foreign company that has been affiliated to the CNETP under a posting for a Public Works activity must use this fund again for its further postings even if they concern a Building activity under a Building fund.
It is calculated strictly according to the same methods as those applicable to French employees under the applicable legal and contractual provisions, whether in terms of generating or calculating paid leave entitlement.
Indeed, the 3 collective agreements governing Public Works (Workers, Employees, technicians, supervisory management and Executives) are extended, they apply to employees posted to France in the Public Works sector from on the 1st day of their work, including with regard to the relevant stipulated provisions.
YES, the specific aspect concerns social security charges applicable to paid holiday allowances paid by the CNETP, in terms of both employers and employees.
Foreign companies employing posted workers are not affiliated to social security contribution collection bodies (including URSSAF), since affiliation to the social security system of origin continues. Also, when the CNETP pays paid leave allowances to employees, it also pays their employer a contribution to the employer's social security charges relating to it so that the foreign company can make the necessary adjustments with the social security system of origin.
Likewise, no employee social security charge is deducted from paid leave allowances paid to posted employees and it the company’s responsibility to make the necessary adjustments in its country of origin. The gross amount of paid leave allowances paid to posted workers is equivalent to the net amount.
As an exception to the normally applicable rule which requires that payment of the paid leave allowance be made at the end of the reference period concerned and by the earliest in May, the paid leave allowances of posted employees are paid to them at the end of their posting.
By definition, posted employees are required to work temporarily in France and are supposed to return to their country of origin at the end of the posting.
Whenever a foreign company, your employer, is required to affiliate to the CNETP, your paid leave entitlement is calculated in the same way as those of permanent French employees.
Yes, under the same conditions as other employees, provided that the conditions set by the collective agreement for the category in which you belong are met, namely :
BY EXCEPTION to the normally applicable rule which requires that the payment of a paid leave allowance be made at the end of the reference period concerned and by the earliest in May, your paid leave allowances are paid to you at the end of your posting.
In fact, by definition, posted employees are required to work temporarily in France and are required to return to their country of origin at the end of the posting.
As for French employees and for security reasons, your paid leave allowances are paid by bank transfer only.
Having foreign bank details does not pose any difficulty as long as it contains the BIC and IBAN codes required for payment by transfer.
You remain affiliated to your social security system of origin during the period of posting in France. As a result, no social security charges, whether employee or employer charges, are deducted from your paid leave allowances.
Thus, the gross amount of your paid leave allowance will be equivalent to its net amount.
If the posting in France lasted less than 183 days, and in accordance with the tax provisions provided for in Article 182 A of the French General Tax Code, the remuneration received in this regard is not taxable in France.
If the duration of the posting has exceeded this threshold, a withholding tax for French income tax will be applied to you. As such, a certificate must be completed by your employer and returned to the CNETP.